Imbolc 2025 :: Planting Dream Seeds
Imbolc is one of the ancient fire festivals marking the cross-quarter holy days between Solstice (Yule for us in the northern hemisphere) and Equinox (Ostara) on the Wheel of the Year. Traditionally it celebrates the growing light of approaching Spring, even if the warmth of the Sun hasn’t reached the ground yet. Imbolc whispers of the first promises of Spring like sap slowly returning to tree branches and milk coming in for the ewes, and it is a time for planting seeds both literal and figurative.
Many people think of Equinox as the time for planting and while that is true for heat loving plants, for the plants who appreciate cooler weather or have a longer germination time, planting must come earlier. Indeed some plants, like many of our native perennial wildflowers, require a process called cold stratification to bust through the tough protective seed coating. So without the cold they do not thrive. There’s metaphor for us in there somewhere.
Without the cold they do not thrive. I think about what that must mean for our future as global heat records have already been broken this early in the year.
Imbolc is a time for growing action, taking action, shaking off the dust of hibernation, and stoking the inner fires. While Spring is on the way, it’s time for planning and dreaming. I’m going to be writing a LOT about dreaming this year because I feel it is paramount to keep our dreaming practices alive and well as we individually and collectively navigate the challenges of polycrisis.
Unprecedented problems require unconventional solutions, and dreaming puts us in touch with our creativity and purpose. Dreaming provides a drive and inspiration even in the most chaotic environments, but we must tend our connection to it. In many ways, dreaming is an active practice. And it’s something that has saved my life again and again.
I’m not talking about bypassing or toxic positivity, but the full spectrum practice of honoring the realms of human creativity and ingenuity. When I say “dreaming” I am referencing the subconscious as well as waking day-dreaming creative rumination that often allows for profound insight and problem solving beyond anything analytical thinking alone can provide. Capitalism feeds us the lie that dreams should go only so far as money, and nothing could be further from the truth. Dreaming isn’t “woo” or frivolous or something for the select few; it’s literally part of the human spirit.
So this Imbolc I ask you to consider what dream seeds you are planting. What would you like to envision for the coming spring ahead? What goals or projects need planning? If you allow yourself to go deeper, what dreams have been waiting in the wings for you to come back to them? What dreams have you carried since childhood? Or abandoned and want to revisit? What dreams might have caused heartache and need mourning? What deserves celebrating that might not have received proper recognition? How can further show up for yourself and this practice of actively dreaming?
For me, this looks like returning to a dream journaling practice and setting intentions to better recall my nighttime wanderings, and building some vision boards for the year ahead so that my waking mind has a visual reminder to return to throughout the year. This also looks like working with my plant allies for dream and sleep associated things (think lavender, catnip, and mugwort) and yes, literally planting seeds for the pollinators and my business. This also looks like taking some tangible steps towards bringing other dreams into reality by writing this, for starters, and launching my own version of a *Plant of the Month* Club. More on that very soon, so please stay tuned if you want to learn about Mugwort and vision boarding and deeper dreaming in the month of February.
Imbolc Blessings to you and your dreams.